Edipo e Akhenatton. Il mito e la storia vera (Italian Edition)Autor: Immanuel Velikovsky
Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
Vom Exodus zu König Echnaton: Eine Revision des irdischen DramasImmanuel VelikovskyBook, Broschiertliteraturwissenschaft - oktav farb. illustr. orig. broschur |
Gott ist rot (Lamuv Taschenbücher)Autor: Vine jr Deloria
Peoples of the SeaAutor: Immanuel Velikovsky
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Ramesses II and His TimeAutor: Immanuel Velikovsky
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Scientists Confront VelikovskyGebundene Ausgabe |
Velikovsky reconsideredAutor: Stephen et al. Pensee Editors; Talbott
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Beyond Velikovsky: The History of a Public ControversyAutor: Henry H. Bauer
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Down To Earth: Velikovsky And The Mudfossils ResearchAutor: Julian Heald
Winslow Homer WatercolorsAutor: Nicolai Cikovsky
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Worlds in CollisionImmanuel VelikovskyGebundene Ausgabe |