Peoples of the Sea (Ages in Chaos Book 3) (English Edition)Autor: Immanuel Velikovsky
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Worlds in Collision by Velikovsky, Immanuel (1950) Gebundene AusgabeGebundene Ausgabe |
Mankind in Amnesia by Immanuel Velikovsky (2010-11-01)Taschenbuch |
Oedipus and Akhnaton: Myth and History- The Tragic Events in the Life of the Royal House of the Hundred-Gated Thebes by Immanuel Velikovsky (1960-06-01)Autor: Immanuel Velikovsky
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I segreti delle cività perdute (Italian Edition)Autor: Immanuel Velikovsky
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[( Stargazers and Gravediggers )] [by: Immanuel Velikovsky] [Feb-2012]Taschenbuch |
Velikovsky, Spanuth und die Seevölker-Diskussion: Die Abwanderung atlanto-europäischer Megalith-Völker in den MittelmeerraumAutor: Horst Friedrich
Scientists Conf VelikovskyAutor: Goldsmith Donald
The Velikovsky Heresies: Worlds in Collision and Ancient Catastrophes RevisitedAutor: Laird Scranton
Le Désordre des Siècles (French Edition)Autor: Immanuel Velikovsky
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Vom Exodus zu König EchnatonImmanuel VelikovskyTaschenbuchSIEHE MEIN FOTO |
Erde im Aufruhr by Immanuel Velikovsky (1991-03-05)Immanuel VelikovskyGebundene Ausgabe |