Tweeting the Universe: Tiny Explanations of Very Big IdeasAutoren: Govert Schilling, Marcus Chown
Ripples in Spacetime: Einstein, Gravitational Waves, and the Future of AstronomyAutor: Govert Schilling
De olifant in het universum: donkere materie, mysterieuze deeltjes en de samenstelling van ons heelalAutor: Govert Schilling
Nieuws uit de kosmos (Dutch Edition)Autor: Govert Schilling
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Doelwit aarde (Pocket Science Book 16) (Dutch Edition)Autor: Govert Schilling
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Saar en Bram op zoek naar de sterAutor: Govert Schilling
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Images of the Universe + CD RomAutor: Govert Schilling
Deining in de ruimtetijd (Dutch Edition)Autor: Govert Schilling
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Jaarboek sterrenkunde 2024Autor: Govert Schilling
Astronomie - Die größten Entdeckungen von Govert Schilling (7. August 2009) Gebundene AusgabeUnbekannter Einband |
Flash!: The Hunt for the Biggest Explosions in the Universe by Govert Schilling (2002-04-29)Govert SchillingGebundene Ausgabe |