Der Elefant im Universum: Das große Rätsel der Dunklen Materie. "Ein fesselnder Wissenschaftskrimi" -- BBC Sky at NightAutor: Govert Schilling
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Constellations: The Story of Space Told Through the 88 Known Star Patterns in the Night SkyAutor: Govert Schilling
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Sternenbilder: Wie sie den Weg zur modernen Astronomie ebnetenAutor: Govert Schilling
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The Elephant in the Universe: Our Hundred-Year Search for Dark Matter (English Edition)Autor: Govert Schilling
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Einsteins Ahnung: Das Rennen um den Nachweis der GravitationswellenAutor: Govert Schilling
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Deep Space: Beyond the Solar System to the Edge of the Universe and the Beginning of TimeAutor: Govert Schilling
The Astronomy Handbook: The Ultimate Guide to Observing and Understanding Stars, Planets, Galaxies, and the UniverseAutor: Govert Schilling
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Galaxies: Birth and Destiny of our UniverseAutor: Govert Schilling
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