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Bernard Lewis

Seite 8
Political Words and Ideas in Islam - Bernard Lewis

Political Words and Ideas in Islam

Autor: Bernard Lewis

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Tarihte Araplar - Bernard Lewis

Tarihte Araplar

Autor: Bernard Lewis

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Swansea and the Second World War - Bernard Lewis

Swansea and the Second World War

Autor: Bernard Lewis

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DEMOKRASİNİN TÜRKİYE SERÜVENİ - Bernard Lewis Übersetzer: Esra Ermert, Ahmet Hamdi Aydoğan


Autoren: Bernard Lewis
Übersetzer: Esra Ermert, Ahmet Hamdi Aydoğan

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Bernard Lewis - Crise do Islão: Problemas associados ao pensamento islâmico e ao radicalismo no mundo muçulmano - Kemal Yildirim

Bernard Lewis - Crise do Islão: Problemas associados ao pensamento islâmico e ao radicalismo no mundo muçulmano

Autor: Kemal Yildirim

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Swansea Pals: A History of the 14th (Service) Battalion, The Welsh Regiment in The Great War (English Edition) - Bernard Lewis

Swansea Pals: A History of the 14th (Service) Battalion, The Welsh Regiment in The Great War (English Edition)

Autor: Bernard Lewis

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Alice au pays des merveilles - Lewis Carroll Übersetzer: Bernard Sallé

Alice au pays des merveilles

Autor: Lewis Carroll
Übersetzer: Bernard Sallé

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A Family Business: The Story of River Island, Chelsea Girl, Bernard Lewis and His Brothers - Catheryne Blyth Richard Burnip Verlag: Bernard Lewis

A Family Business: The Story of River Island, Chelsea Girl, Bernard Lewis and His Brothers

Autor: Catheryne Blyth
Erzähler: Richard Burnip
Verlag: Bernard Lewis

Audible Hörbuch
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Que s'est-il passé ?: L'Islam, l'Occident et la modernité - Bernard Lewis

Que s'est-il passé ?: L'Islam, l'Occident et la modernité

Autor: Bernard Lewis

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Modern Ortadoğu Nasıl Kuruldu? - Bernard Lewis Übersetzer: Doğan Terzi

Modern Ortadoğu Nasıl Kuruldu?

Autor: Bernard Lewis
Übersetzer: Doğan Terzi

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[( From Babel to Dragomans: Interpreting the Middle East )] [by: Bernard Lewis] [Oct-2005] - Bernard Lewis

[( From Babel to Dragomans: Interpreting the Middle East )] [by: Bernard Lewis] [Oct-2005]

Bernard Lewis

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Bernard Lewis is recognized around the globe as one of the leading authorities on Islam. Hailed as the world's foremost Islamic scholar (Wall Street Journal), as a towering figure among experts on the culture and religion of the Muslim world (Baltimore Sun), and as the doyen of Middle Eastern studies (New York Times), Lewis is nothing less than a national treasure, a trusted voice that politicians, journalists, historians, and the general public have all turned to for insight into the Middle East. Now, this revered authority has brought together writings and lectures that he has written over four decades, featuring his reflections on Middle Eastern history and foreign affairs, the Iranian Revolution, the state of Israel, the writing of history, and much more. The essays cover such urgent and compelling topics as What Saddam Wrought, Deconstructing Osama and His Evil Appeal, The Middle East, Westernized Despite Itself, The Enemies of God, and Can Islam Be Secularized? The collection ranges from two English originals of articles published before only in foreign languages, to previously unpublished writings, to his highly regarded essays from publications such as Foreign Affairs and The New York Review of Books. With more than fifty pieces in all, plus a new introduction to the book by Lewis, this is a valuable collection for everyone interested in the Middle East. Here then is a rich repository of wisdom on one of the key areas of the modern world--a wealth of profound reflections on Middle Eastern history, culture, politics, and current events.

[Notes on a Century: Reflections of a Middle East Historian[ NOTES ON A CENTURY: REFLECTIONS OF A MIDDLE EAST HISTORIAN ] By Lewis, Bernard ( Author )May-10-2012 Hardcover - Bernard Lewis

[Notes on a Century: Reflections of a Middle East Historian[ NOTES ON A CENTURY: REFLECTIONS OF A MIDDLE EAST HISTORIAN ] By Lewis, Bernard ( Author )May-10-2012 Hardcover

Bernard Lewis

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After 9/11, people who had never given much thought to the politics of the Middle East found themselves wondering why there was such rage brewing in the region. Many of them turned to Bernard Lewis for an explanation. The world's pre-eminent historian of the Middle East, Lewis was among the first to identify the phenomenon of Islamic fundamentalism. In this exceptional memoir, he looks back over his long career - taking us from his discovery of the Crusades as a young boy in London and his service in British intelligence during the Second World War through to the Iraq wars, the crisis with Iran, and the great upheavals of the Arab Spring. Over the course of his distinguished career, he has at times been as much a player in political events as well as a scholar. He has advised monarchs, presidents, prime ministers and dissidents in the Middle East and elsewhere. Now 95 and still sharper than most college students, he writes with barbed wit about the people he has known and the events he has witnessed and participated in. No subject is more fraught in the Middle East than history - and so Bernard Lewis has found himself unexpectedly part of the story that he tells in this extraordinary memoir of a life that spans the 20th century, and has already had a great impact on the 21st.

Notes on a Century: Reflections of a Middle East Historian - Bernard; Churchill, Buntzie Ellis Lewis

Notes on a Century: Reflections of a Middle East Historian

Bernard; Churchill, Buntzie Ellis Lewis

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