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Cathy Kelly

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Und wer macht den Abwasch? - Cathy Kelly

Und wer macht den Abwasch?

Autor: Cathy Kelly

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Homecoming: An enthralling romance novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author (English Edition) - Cathy Kelly

Homecoming: An enthralling romance novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author (English Edition)

Autor: Cathy Kelly

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Kann denn Küssen Sünde sein?: Roman - Cathy Kelly Übersetzer: Uta Hege

Kann denn Küssen Sünde sein?: Roman

Autor: Cathy Kelly
Übersetzer: Uta Hege

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Geh ich auf meine Hochzeit?: Roman (Blanvalet Taschenbuch) - Cathy Kelly Übersetzer: Inez Meyer

Geh ich auf meine Hochzeit?: Roman (Blanvalet Taschenbuch)

Autor: Cathy Kelly
Übersetzer: Inez Meyer

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Himmelblau ist die Hoffnung - Cathy Kelly

Himmelblau ist die Hoffnung

Autor: Cathy Kelly

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The House on Willow Street: An emotional and suspenseful novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author (English Edition) - Cathy Kelly

The House on Willow Street: An emotional and suspenseful novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author (English Edition)

Autor: Cathy Kelly

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Past Secrets (English Edition) - Cathy Kelly

Past Secrets (English Edition)

Autor: Cathy Kelly

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Always and Forever: A spellbinding novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author (English Edition) - Cathy Kelly

Always and Forever: A spellbinding novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author (English Edition)

Autor: Cathy Kelly

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Someone Like You: A heartfelt novel of love and longing from the international bestselling author (English Edition) - Cathy Kelly

Someone Like You: A heartfelt novel of love and longing from the international bestselling author (English Edition)

Autor: Cathy Kelly

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Der hat mir gerade noch gefehlt - Cathy Kelly Übersetzer: Inez Meyer

Der hat mir gerade noch gefehlt

Autor: Cathy Kelly
Übersetzer: Inez Meyer

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[(It Started with Paris)] [ By (author) Cathy Kelly, Read by Olivia Caffrey ] [October, 2014] - Cathy Kelly

[(It Started with Paris)] [ By (author) Cathy Kelly, Read by Olivia Caffrey ] [October, 2014]

Cathy Kelly

Audio CD
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This edition features an interview with the author. It all started with Paris..At the top of the Eiffel Tower, a young man proposes to his girlfriend, cheered on by delighted tourists. With her trademark warmth and insight, Cathy Kelly weaves a delightful tale spinning out from this once-in-a-lifetime moment, drawing together a terrific cast of characters with stories of their own. Vonnie, a widow and exceptional cake-maker, is just daring to let love back into her life, but someone is determined to stop it. Leila, devotedly working for her boss, but realizing her devotion is turning to something more romantic. Grace, a divorced head-teacher, starting to wonder whether she faces a lifetime of being alone. The impending wedding of her daughter means that she's spending more time with her ex-husband. After ten years apart, is it possible she's made a mistake? Read by Olivia Caffrey

[(It Started with Paris)] [ By (author) Cathy Kelly ] [October, 2014] - Cathy Kelly

[(It Started with Paris)] [ By (author) Cathy Kelly ] [October, 2014]

Cathy Kelly

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It all started with Paris. At the top of the Eiffel Tower, a young man proposes to his girlfriend, cheered on by delighted tourists. In that second, everything changes, not just for the happy couple, but for the family and friends awaiting their return in Bridgeport, Ireland..Leila's been nursing a badly broken heart since her love-rat husband just upped and left her one morning, but she's determined to put on a brave face for the bride. Vonnie, a widow and exceptional cake-maker, is just daring to let love back into her life, although someone seems determined to stop it. And Grace, a divorced head teacher, finds the impending wedding of her son means that she's spending more time with her ex-husband. After all those years apart, is it possible she's made a mistake? With her warmth and insight, Cathy Kelly weaves a delightful tale spinning out from a once-in-a-lifetime moment, drawing together a terrific cast of characters who feel like old friends. IT STARTED WITH PARIS is the sparkling new novel from No.1 bestseller Cathy Kelly.

[(The House on Willow Street)] [Author: Cathy Kelly] published on (March, 2012) - Cathy Kelly

[(The House on Willow Street)] [Author: Cathy Kelly] published on (March, 2012)

Cathy Kelly

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The House on Willow Street The warm, engrossing new novel from the No. 1 bestseller, Cathy Kelly Full description

Just Between Us by Cathy Kelly (2012-09-13) - Cathy Kelly

Just Between Us by Cathy Kelly (2012-09-13)

Cathy Kelly

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