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Gary Jennings

Seite 5
Sow the Seeds of Hemp - Gary Jennings

Sow the Seeds of Hemp

Autor: Gary Jennings

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Gary Jennings: Der Azteke

Gary Jennings: Der Azteke

Unbekannter Einband
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The Terrible Teague Bunch (English Edition) - Gary Jennings

The Terrible Teague Bunch (English Edition)

Autor: Gary Jennings

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Das Vermächtnis der Âlaburg: Die Farbseher Saga 6 - Greg Walters Robert Frank Verlag: Ronin Hörverlag

Das Vermächtnis der Âlaburg: Die Farbseher Saga 6

Autor: Greg Walters
Erzähler: Robert Frank
Verlag: Ronin Hörverlag

Audible Hörbuch
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Aztec 1st (first) Edition by Jennings, Gary [2007]

Aztec 1st (first) Edition by Jennings, Gary [2007]

Unbekannter Einband
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Il sangue dell'azteco (BUR Best BUR) - Gary Jennings Übersetzer: A. E. Giagheddu

Il sangue dell'azteco (BUR Best BUR)

Autor: Gary Jennings
Übersetzer: A. E. Giagheddu

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Sang aztèque - Gary Jennings

Sang aztèque

Autor: Gary Jennings

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Escape: The Love Story from Whirlwind (The Asian Saga) (English Edition) - James Clavell

Escape: The Love Story from Whirlwind (The Asian Saga) (English Edition)

Autor: James Clavell

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Passive Income Investing: A beginner's Guide on Financial Freedom with Secrets, Ideas and Blueprint. Investing and Make Money Online with Blogging, Dropshipping, Ecommerce and Affiliate Marketing - Gary Jennings

Passive Income Investing: A beginner's Guide on Financial Freedom with Secrets, Ideas and Blueprint. Investing and Make Money Online with Blogging, Dropshipping, Ecommerce and Affiliate Marketing

Autor: Gary Jennings

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Azteca (Littérature) (French Edition) - Gary Jennings

Azteca (Littérature) (French Edition)

Autor: Gary Jennings

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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[Aztec Fire] (By: Gary Jennings) [published: September, 2012] - Gary Jennings

[Aztec Fire] (By: Gary Jennings) [published: September, 2012]

Gary Jennings

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Juan Rios comes from a long line of Aztec warriors. Slave to a Spanish gun-maker, he becomes the finest gunsmith and sharpshooter in colonial Mexico. But Juan has a secret life as the "revolucion's" #1 gun-runner. Juan falls for the beautiful Maria, a beautiful writer and fearless" revolucionaria "whose dream of freedom is a liability for them both. The hHard-drinking, womanizing, con-man Luis becomes their last hope against the rack, the stake, and the blood-stained torture dungeons of the Inquisition."Aztec Fire" sweeps readers on a perilous journey from the fabled ruins of ancient Tula to the slave-labor galleons of "the Manila Run" to a South Seas jungle island teeming with crocodiles, snakes, and blood-crazed cannibals. When Juan and his friends finally reach home, they find their country in flames, struggling against its hated Spanish oppressors.

[Aztec Blood] (By: Gary Jennings) [published: July, 2004] - Gary Jennings

[Aztec Blood] (By: Gary Jennings) [published: July, 2004]

Gary Jennings

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This book continues the vision Gary Jennings had in telling the entire history of Mexico through novels. "Aztec Blood" returns us to a bygone era, to a people who have had both their lands seized and their spirits crushed by the most powerful empire in the world, the Spanish empire. Its brutal conquistadors have forced the once-mighty Aztec empire to its knees and practically wiped a race from the earth. In the tradition of the acclaimed historical novels "Aztec" and "Aztec Autumn", we are taken once again through the gallantry and brutality, the sex and tyranny, of a vanished civilization south of the border. The Aztec people have been conquered and a bloody revolt of the Indians put down. The former Aztec empire is now called New Spain, and there the native people are enslaved on great estates that are feudal domains. The Spanish lords rule as kings, treating Indian men as work animals and Indian women as their personal property. In this colourful and exciting era of swords and cloaks, tumultuous upheaval and revolution, a young half-breed beggar boy, in whose veins runs the blood of Spanish and Aztec royalty, must unravel the deadly secret behind his parentage and claim his birthright. From the torrid streets of the City of the Dead along the Veracruz Coast and the ancient tombs of the Aztec kings, along the grand canals, palaces, and dungeons of the Venice of the New World, to the ageless story of Seville in Old Spain, Cristo the Bastard connives, fights and loves as he seeks the truth - without knowing that his "tainted" blood is the forebear of a proud new people.

Der Azteke - Ein Roman - Gary Jennings

Der Azteke - Ein Roman

Gary Jennings

Gebundene Ausgabe
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Hardcover Einband guter Zustand - Schutzumschlag guter Zustand - Erscheinungsjahr: 1981 - Buch mit 863 Seiten. Index: 158 0.0

Der Azteke - Gary Jennings

Der Azteke

Gary Jennings

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Ungekürzte Ausgabe. Taschenbuch, 863 Seiten. Gutes Exemplar. K524-pw32620 ISBN: 3596280893

Aztec by Gary Jennings(2006-05-01) - Gary Jennings

Aztec by Gary Jennings(2006-05-01)

Gary Jennings

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