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Alessandro Baricco

Seite 9
Mondi al limite: 9 scrittori per Medici Senza Frontiere - Alessandro Baricco, Stefano Benni, Gianrico Carofiglio, Mauro Covachic, Sandrone Dazieri, Silvia Di Natale Dario Merlini, Tamara Fagnocchi Verlag: Audible Studios

Mondi al limite: 9 scrittori per Medici Senza Frontiere

Autoren: Alessandro Baricco, Stefano Benni, Gianrico Carofiglio, Mauro Covachic, Sandrone Dazieri, Silvia Di Natale
Erzähler: Dario Merlini, Tamara Fagnocchi
Verlag: Audible Studios

Audible Hörbuch
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{ EMMAUS } By Baricco, Alessandro ( Author ) [ Jul - 2013 ] [ Paperback ]

{ EMMAUS } By Baricco, Alessandro ( Author ) [ Jul - 2013 ] [ Paperback ]

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The Game. Jocul Civilizației Digitale - Alessandro Baricco

The Game. Jocul Civilizației Digitale

Autor: Alessandro Baricco

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Seda de Alessandro Baricco (Análise do livro): Análise completa e resumo pormenorizado do trabalho (Portuguese Edition) - Catherine Bourguignon Übersetzer: Alva Silva

Seda de Alessandro Baricco (Análise do livro): Análise completa e resumo pormenorizado do trabalho (Portuguese Edition)

Autor: Catherine Bourguignon
Übersetzer: Alva Silva

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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In 80 Büchern um die Welt: Abenteuerliche Reisen von Marco Polo, Anna Seghers, Paulo Coelho, Wolfgang Herrndorf u. v. a. - Herausgeber: John McMurtrie Übersetzer: Andreas Schiffmann, Alan Tepper

In 80 Büchern um die Welt: Abenteuerliche Reisen von Marco Polo, Anna Seghers, Paulo Coelho, Wolfgang Herrndorf u. v. a.

Herausgeber: John McMurtrie
Übersetzer: Andreas Schiffmann, Alan Tepper

Gebundene Ausgabe
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An Iliad: A Story of War - Alessandro Baricco Übersetzer: Ann Goldstein

An Iliad: A Story of War

Autor: Alessandro Baricco
Übersetzer: Ann Goldstein

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Jedwab książka Alessandro Baricco (Analiza książki): Pełna analiza i szczegółowe podsumowanie pracy - Catherine Bourguignon Übersetzer: Kâmil Kowalski

Jedwab książka Alessandro Baricco (Analiza książki): Pełna analiza i szczegółowe podsumowanie pracy

Autor: Catherine Bourguignon
Übersetzer: Kâmil Kowalski

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Tracts de Crise (N°36) - Le Temps de l'audace (French Edition) - Alessandro Baricco Übersetzer: Vincent Raynaud

Tracts de Crise (N°36) - Le Temps de l'audace (French Edition)

Autor: Alessandro Baricco
Übersetzer: Vincent Raynaud

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Sin sangre (Spanish Edition) - Alessandro Baricco Übersetzer: Xavier González Rovira

Sin sangre (Spanish Edition)

Autor: Alessandro Baricco
Übersetzer: Xavier González Rovira

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Japón de Seda: El otro lado de la historia de Alessandro Baricco (Spanish Edition) - Álvaro Samaniego

Japón de Seda: El otro lado de la historia de Alessandro Baricco (Spanish Edition)

Autor: Álvaro Samaniego

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Questa Storia (2005) (Korea Edition) - Alessandro Baricco

Questa Storia (2005) (Korea Edition)

Alessandro Baricco

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Questa Storia (2005) (Korea Edition)

[(Seda)] [By (author) Alessandro Baricco ] published on (May, 2011) - Alessandro Baricco

[(Seda)] [By (author) Alessandro Baricco ] published on (May, 2011)

Alessandro Baricco

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El autor presentaba la edición italiana de este libro, que tuvo un éxito extraordinario, con estas palabras: Ésta no es una novela. Ni siquiera es un cuento. Ésta es una historia. Empieza con un hombre que atraviesa el mundo, y acaba con un lago que permanece inmóvil, en una jornada de viento. El hombre se llama Hervé Joncour. El lago, no se sabe. Se podría decir que es una historia de amor. Pero si solamente fuera eso, no habría valido la pena contarla. En ella están entremezclados deseos, y dolores, que no tienen un nombre exacto que los designe. Esto es algo muy antiguo. Cuando no se tiene un nombre para decir las cosas, entonces se utilizan historias. No hay mucho más que añadir. Quizá lo mejor sea aclarar que se trata de una historia decimonónica: lo justo para que nadie se espere aviones, lavadoras o psicoanalistas. No los hay. Quizá en otra ocasión. «Es una historia misteriosa, lacónica, perfecta» (Mario Vargas Llosa); «No paro de recomendar Seda» (J. Martí Gómez, La Vanguardia).

[An Iliad: A Story of War] (By: Alessandro Baricco) [published: March, 2008] - Alessandro Baricco

[An Iliad: A Story of War] (By: Alessandro Baricco) [published: March, 2008]

Alessandro Baricco

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Alessandro Baricco re-creates the siege of Troy through the voices of 21 Homeric characters. Sacrificing none of Homer's panoramic scope, Baricco forgoes Homer's detachment and admits us to realms of subjective experience his predecessor never explored. From the return of Chryseis to the burial of Hector, we see through human eyes and feel with human hearts the unforgettable events first recounted more than 3,000 years ago events arranged not by the whims of the gods in this instance but by the dictates of human nature.With Andromache, Patroclus, Priam, and the rest, we are privy to the ghastly confusion of battle, the clamour of the princely councils, the intimacies of the bedchamber until finally only a blind poet is left to recount secondhand the awful fall of Ilium.Imbuing the stuff of legend with a startlingly new relevancy and humanity, Baricco gives us "The Iliad" as we have never known it. His transformative achievement is certain to delight and fascinate all the readers of Homer's indispensable classic.

[City] (By: Alessandro Baricco) [published: February, 2007] - Alessandro Baricco

[City] (By: Alessandro Baricco) [published: February, 2007]

Alessandro Baricco

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The author of the international bestseller Silk now delivers a ravishing and wildly inventive novel about friendship, genius and its discontents, and the redemptive power of narrative. Somewhere in America lives a brilliant boy named Gould, an intellectual guided missile aimed at the Nobel Prize. His only companions are an imaginary giant and an imaginary mute. Improbably-and yet with impeccable logic--he falls into the care of Shatzy Shell, a young woman whose life up till that point has been equally devoid of human connection . Theirs is a relationship of stories and of stories within stories: of Gould's evolving saga of an underdog boxer and the violent Western that Shatzy has been dictating into a tape recorder since the age of six. Out of these stories, Alessandro Baricco creates a masterpiece of metaphysical pulp fiction that recalls both Scheherazade and Italo Calvino. By turns exhilarating and deeply moving, City is irresistible.

La sposa giovane by Alessandro Baricco(2015-03-18) - Alessandro Baricco

La sposa giovane by Alessandro Baricco(2015-03-18)

Alessandro Baricco

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